“I envisage Ku-ring-gai as a thriving, culturally rich & diverse community that harmoniously balances our cherished architectural & natural heritage, and the needs of a growing & active community”


Our vast urban bushland and tree canopy must be preserved for generations to come – Our suburbs are the epitome of the ‘leafy North Shore’, surround by 375 hectares of vast urban bushland and a tree canopy that is the envy of Sydney.  Council must preserve this precious environment and character for generations to come.   Whilst Sydney has been nicknamed “The Emerald City” since David Williamson’s 1987 play of the same name, Ku-ring-gai as always been Sydney’s ‘green heart‘, and more importantly Sydney’s lungs.  

Matt will: 

  • Advocate for the funding of local groups and businesses whose concerns reflect the ecological importance of our vibrant and renown natural heritage.  Council should drive public and private investment in the environment, to see that funding supports eco-friendly and nature-positive projects rather than applying the band-aid solution of just offsetting environmental destruction further afield. 
  • Support community outreach programs in collaboration with local emergency service organisations, to ensure streamlined and accessible information on bushfire mitigation and resilience measures that seek to protect the natural environment and the community in times of crisis.  Ku-ring-gai has a network of over 90 fire-trails, and their maintenance provides not just strategic access in the event of bushfire, but also protects the vegetation and local habitat by encouraging walkers, joggers & riders to stick to the track as they explore and respect the stunning local environment. 


Sensible short-term investment ensuring long-term sustainability without selling public assets – Ku-ring-gai needs strong fiscal management, to enable short-term investment whilst ensuring long-term financial sustainability, without the sale of public assets to fund the budget. 

Matt will: 

  • Stop ‘pork-barrelling’ by councillors marred by self-interest, at the expense of worthy community groups or important operational costs.   
  • Ensure financial transparency, by promoting access and collaboration with residents to target appropriate council spending.  
  • Reinvigorate and secure the future of Ku-ring-gai’s public assets, by calling for greater capital investment in upgrades, as well as preventive maintenance programs. 
  • Promote investment in local innovation and the streamlining regulation, to support local business by making it easier for them to grow and trade resulting in a strengthened local economy. 

With regards to the rising cost of living, unfortunately there is no silver-bullet or magic wand – but many politicians and candidates for this election will tell that there is a simple solution to this.  They won’t all lie, but a lot of them will, to get your vote.  Whilst that might not be a ‘vote winning’ statement, I refuse to use this election campaign as an opportunity to deceive the voter.

  • I’d like to see KMC tackle the rising cost of living without rhetoric, but through investment in local businesses and charities, expanded community and leisure services, as well as affordability initiatives around housing and transport. It’s hard work, but it requires sensible investment.


Strike a balance that houses the community of tomorrow and protects real heritage – The next term of Council will need to negotiate with the State Government in order to strike a balance in planning policy to deliver sustainable development.  Council must protect our beautiful yet sensitive built heritage, whilst implementing sensible planning measures to support the Sydney and Ku-ring-gai of tomorrow. 

Matt supports: 

  • The implementation of design excellence measures in Council’s planning & DA processes, to ensure smarter, more efficient, harmonious and sustainable development across the whole municipality. 
  • Transparent and more efficient planning processes that are truly in the interests of residents – not a one size fits all wrecking ball.  There is a need for collaboration with the NSW Government to deliver a better SEPP and an updated LEP for Ku-ring-gai.  The TODs are a short-term fix without community consultation, and Council should work to encourage sensible progress to deliver affordable housing through sound and sustainable development. 
  • Heritage orders should not be used to game the planning system – In recent months and without consultation of those residents directly impacted, Council sought to implement 23 heritage conservation areas across the municipality in conjunction to launching legal action against the State Government.  Much of the area covered by the request for an interim heritage order (IHO) is land included within the TOD areas.  I understand why Council thought this would assist in addressing concerns regarding the TOD, but I did not believe that this approach would be successful and risked exacerbating the issue. 
    • UPDATE: Penny Sharpe MLC, in her capacity as Minister for Heritage, wrote to KMC on 27th August 2024 to advise that she is not currently considering granting the IHOs.
    • This approach from Council has raised concerns amongst many residents, who were not consulted, and in some instances this action by Council has been contrary to what parts of the community are in favour of.  For example, there are some pockets of residents in the Fox Valley region of the Comenarra Ward who are favour of the provisions concerning dual occupancy and semi-detached dwellings.  This is why consultation is important in getting the balance right! 


Bold invest in more open space, parks, playgrounds & cultural centres – As our municipality grows, Council should continue to invest in more recreation space that harmoniously supports both general and organised recreation for the well-being of all residents. 

Matt supports: 

  • Continued and increased investment in local sporting facilities and community cultural hubs.  Organised sport and public recreation are vital to a healthy lifestyle and fostering strong mental health. It is important that Ku-ring-gai remains committed to greater access to inclusive programs to support the diverse needs of our community. 
  • Comenarra demanding its fair share of investment in road and footpath maintenance and upgrades, whilst working with affected residents and businesses to ensure that the funding is targeted where it is most needed and supported. 
  • Real action on the Turramurra Hub is long overdue.  The Turramurra Hub is a two-decades’ old concept that consecutive terms of Council have failed to deliver.  The Turramurra Hub was put on hold by Council in 2014 (one Ward Councillor has served since 2012 and not progressed this project), then a costing review was undertaken in 2016 that placed the value of the project at $120m, and it has remained on hold ever since.  The whole precinct is in dire need of revitalisation, and this term the Council should take real action to progress this project. 
Philip Mall

Philip Mall

Philip Mall

Ku-ring-gai RFS

Fox Valley Village

Fox Valley Village


I encourage residents and voters to be weary of falsehoods or hollow motherhood statements in other campaign material:

  • Be weary of campaign material stating that a candidate will “slash councillor allowances” and that there will be “no councillor wage increases” in order to address the rising cost of living in Ku-ring-gai – How convenient then, that just two months ago Council voted unanimously in the June 2024 Council meeting to accept IPART’s remuneration increase (Minutes – 18th June 2024 – GB.6).
  • Be weary of material promising a freeze on rates – I paid my rates in August and whilst I certainly don’t want to see an increase, how is Council meant to pay for more services and greater local investment without increased funding?  Ku-ring-gai Council has an infrastructure investment backlog with projects costs on several-hundred-million-dollars.
  • Be weary of material promising an immediate review of Council expenditure – The current Council voted against an EOI for an external review of Council expenditure in August 2022 (Minutes – 16th August 2022 – NM.7).
  • Be weary of material that promises a firm stance on zero new high-rise at Pymble, Turramurra, Warrawee & Wahroonga railway stations – The TOD scheme (now law) has only named Roseville, Lindfield, Killara & Gordon railway stations as being suitable to medium intensity developments.  So, any candidate claiming to have prevented high-rise development – or – promising to prevent high-rise development at town centres north of Ryde Road is merely paying lip service to this issue, and hoping that the voter base isn’t informed enough to be able to challenge their hollow claims.