“I envisage Ku-ring-gai as a thriving, culturally rich & diverse community that harmoniously balances our cherished architectural & natural heritage, and the needs of a growing & active community”
Our vast urban bushland and tree canopy must be preserved for generations to come – Our suburbs are the epitome of the ‘leafy North Shore’, surround by 375 hectares of vast urban bushland and a tree canopy that is the envy of Sydney. Council must preserve this precious environment and character for generations to come. Whilst Sydney has been nicknamed “The Emerald City” since David Williamson’s 1987 play of the same name, Ku-ring-gai as always been Sydney’s ‘green heart‘, and more importantly Sydney’s lungs.
Matt will:
Sensible short-term investment ensuring long-term sustainability without selling public assets – Ku-ring-gai needs strong fiscal management, to enable short-term investment whilst ensuring long-term financial sustainability, without the sale of public assets to fund the budget.
Matt will:
With regards to the rising cost of living, unfortunately there is no silver-bullet or magic wand – but many politicians and candidates for this election will tell that there is a simple solution to this. They won’t all lie, but a lot of them will, to get your vote. Whilst that might not be a ‘vote winning’ statement, I refuse to use this election campaign as an opportunity to deceive the voter.
Strike a balance that houses the community of tomorrow and protects real heritage – The next term of Council will need to negotiate with the State Government in order to strike a balance in planning policy to deliver sustainable development. Council must protect our beautiful yet sensitive built heritage, whilst implementing sensible planning measures to support the Sydney and Ku-ring-gai of tomorrow.
Matt supports:
Bold invest in more open space, parks, playgrounds & cultural centres – As our municipality grows, Council should continue to invest in more recreation space that harmoniously supports both general and organised recreation for the well-being of all residents.
Matt supports:
I encourage residents and voters to be weary of falsehoods or hollow motherhood statements in other campaign material:
Authorised by Matt Devlin, candidate for Comenarra Ward, Pymble Place, 25 Ryde Road, Pymble NSW 2073.
© Matthew Devlin 2024